2017 Is All About Capturing Data and Growing Connections

With the advent of social media, it’s easy for business owners to think they no longer have to build or maintain their own customer databases. The thinking goes that since your customers are on social media, you can just reach them there. But this ignores all the benefits of having a database of your own can offer. Here are 2 reasons your business should focus on its customer database for 2017.

1. It’s Data

A database is more than just a list of names. It’s information. It’s a chance for you to take a broad look at your customer base and learn more about them. It’s everything your business needs to adapt to a changing marketplace. The more you know your customers, the more you know how to market yourself to them. This leads to both higher sales and higher customer satisfaction since you can tailor your brand specifically to them.

2. It’s Connections

You can’t rely on social media as the main point of contact for your business. Sure, it makes sense to have an active presence on these platforms, but you have to build your own channels of communication with your customers. Whether email addresses, phone numbers, or both, a database of contact information gives you a way to engage your customer base on your own terms, which is an invaluable resource for any business.


There are numerous advantages to building your own customer database, whether it’s information you can use to adapt your brand and business or contact information you can use to both contact and engage your customers. For more information, contact us today.