Entries by Stephanie

WordPress Hosting for Your Business

As a business owner, you are invested in your enterprise’s success and growth. However, in the digital era, the old techniques for business development do not all apply anymore. Instead, they have been supplanted by the realm of the Internet — on the web, you can be in constant contact with your customers, even when […]

How to Rank High on Google Search Results Pages

While publishing content is a great way to attract organic traffic to your website, if you are not showing up on the first page of search results, you are spinning your wheels. Every search position below the coveted first link will earn progressively fewer click-throughs. Nevertheless, showing up on the second or third page of […]

Discover How to Earn Backlinks and Boost SEO

Many SEO experts will tell you that what makes a content page worthy of a high rank, within search results, is the ability to earn backlinks. Therefore, if everything else is equal, this is the difference between content which generates organic traffic and web pages that do not. Essentially, in many instances, good content is […]

5 Innovative Content Marketing Ideas

The construction industry world is getting more crowded with every passing day, it’s critical that you continually strive to stay ahead of the pack. The good news is, you don’t have to be miles ahead; just a step or two. Here are 5 innovative content marketing ideas that will do just that: Provide an in-depth […]

14 Reasons Why You Need To Update Your Website Regularly

Virtually all property developers know that the internet is the best and most cost efficient way to promote their business. But, sadly, many fail to understand the importance of keeping their website up-to-date. As a result, their site becomes less and less effective as a marketing tool. To help you stay on top of your […]

Google’s New Requirement For All Websites

Earlier this year, Google’s official security blog announced a startling new requirement for website hosting and users. The company disclosed, “‘Starting January 2017, Chrome 56 will label HTTP pages with password or credit card form fields as ‘not secure.’” The change impacted countless website owners, even those who do not collect data from their visitors. What […]

Create a Marketing Plan for 2018

We know it can be tough to navigate the digital landscape while trying to figure out how you can improve upon your web strategies. By now, most companies know that they need to have some sort of social media presence, and it’s likely that you have at least attempted to understand what it takes to […]

The Value of SEO: How It Could Be Your Best Investment

When it comes to digital marketing, there are a lot of options out there. So what makes search engine optimization (SEO) a wise investment for your business? The value of SEO boils down to how it drives leads to your website. Those leads result in an increased audience, they grow your brand awareness and, ultimately, […]

Stephanie Campanella Featured on uGurus Blog

Stephanie Campanella recently shared strategies for building a successful business as a guest writer for digital entrepreneur empowerment company uGurus. Her blog post, “How to Drive Your Business Like a Racecar”, draws from the world of Motor Sports to illustrate the importance of moving a business forward, always “driving for the daylight” to create success as a business […]

What is Actually Covered in a Care Plan?

You publish your site and leave it, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, just creating a great website isn’t enough. You have to maintain and update your WordPress website regularly. This is vital to your website’s success. Without the proper care plan, your business could suffer. What Can Happen To Your Website Website maintenance is no joke. If […]